Your contribution will help advance the elimination of viral hepatitis.

Become involved in the efforts of the California Hepatitis C Task Force
We are an action group where plans and programs are established for the benefit of the community. We welcome local support groups and community organizations and companies in the private and public sector who have an interest in the welfare and service to patients with hepatitis. We ask our partners to be willing to work together with other organizations as a task force, consortium, or collaborative effort towards our goals of preventing infection, treating everyone with the infection and ultimately eradicating Hepatitis C. We need team players who are as passionate about our goals as we are.

Become a volunteer for the California Hepatitis C Task Force
We would love to have you be part of our organization. We need socio-medical researchers and individuals who are adept at building grassroot coalitions. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us with your resume and areas of interest.

Donate to the California Hepatitis C Task Force
Your donation will help us help the hundreds of thousands of Californians with Hepatitis C.
Once thought of as a disease of baby boomers, primarily because Hepatitis C wasn’t screened out of the blood supply until 1992, Hep C mostly affected older populations. But California is now seeing a spike in new viral hepatitis infections in millennials. With existing money tight and future funding uncertain to test and treat hepatitis, your donation will fund efforts to rein in the escalating rate of infection among young people.
You may also send a tax-deductible donation by check.
Make your check payable to THE CALIFORNIA HEPATITIS C TASK FORCE and mail to:
℅ Roxanne Baker, Treasurer
149 Wyndham Way, Suite 223
Petaluma, CA 94954-3875
(707) 347-9163