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Month: February 2023

  • Uganda – Juliana Kanyomozi

    Uganda – Juliana Kanyomozi

    While we collectively await better news from Uganda’s Human Rights situation, we’d like to highlight one of our recent favorites, new music from one of East Africa’s shining lights, Juliana Kanyomozi. Certainly a star, but avowedly unpolitical, unlike Bobi Wine. Meanwhile, the disturbing and disgraceful closure of the UN Human Rights Office in Uganda has…

  • Behind the Scenes

    Behind the Scenes

    As I write this, the site design is inspired by the previous version of The California Hepatitis C Task Force. That site benefited from a pleasant design, and offered significant resources to the community. In fact, most of that site’s content has been brought over to this new version. But we recognized that the site…

  • Congo – Papa Wemba

    Congo – Papa Wemba

    Here is some classic music from the Congo: The great, but greatly problematic, Papa Wemba. While indisputably a great musician and performer, his instrumental role in leading a human smuggling ring, leading to his imprisonment, leaves his legacy irredeemably tarnished.

  • People back and forth

    People back and forth

    We are excited about this section. We want to highlight stories (maybe your own!) about aspects of the immigrant experience, especially as it relates to Hepatitis, Medical Care, Medical Training, etc. But really, write about anything! Link to videos! Post photos! Write whatever you want! (Okay, within some limits…) Many members of the board, and…

  • Keep an eye on this corner!

    Keep an eye on this corner!

    In this section, the board members of The California Hepatitis C Task Force will update the community on their ongoing work. As we’d like to highlight not only their roles in the organization, but their additional projects and activities, we hope this section will give you a fuller picture of the Task Force’s strong and…

  • First Report from the Africa Desk

    First Report from the Africa Desk

    Our colleague Adam Linskey (University College Bristol, UK) along with my former professor Dr. James Logan (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) recently collaborated with us on screening program for HCV, HIV, and COVID-19 in four African countries. Here’s some images from their work.