As I write this, the site design is inspired by the previous version of The California Hepatitis C Task Force.
That site benefited from a pleasant design, and offered significant resources to the community. In fact, most of that site’s content has been brought over to this new version.
But we recognized that the site had a rather glaring flaw: it was essentially static. Making changes to the site – even updates to keep the content up-to-date – was cumbersome at best.
Our goal is to provide static content – resources, links, contact information, etc. – as we did before.
But we want to encourage our extended community – our board, our collaborator, and students and interns – to contribute news and interesting stories. We’d like there to be as few barriers as possible to community participation. And we want a site that will always be new, fresh, and relevant.
While we may not start with fully open community participation (there are security and other issues that we will have to decide on), that certainly is a goal.
So the purpose of the site revamp is to use a contemporary Content Management Platform (WordPress in our case), to allow blogs on various topics. We may expand this to include discussion forums and other avenues for inclusiveness.
Please send suggestions – both for the site look-and-feel, and for content. You can write to the board, or to me (Stephen Grenholm, And certainly, if you are on the board or affiliated with the California Hepatitis C Task Force, if you don’t already have a login, I’ll create one. At some future time, we’ll offer online registration.
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